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Volume 2 - Issue 9

International Journal of Engineering Inventions (IJEI)

Sl. No. Article Description Page No.
Physical properties of Sodium Niobate (NaNbO3) at different phase transitions
M. Vijaya Laxmi, S. Uma Devi

Sodium Niobate (NaNbO3) solid single crystal, it shows different phase transitions Cubic to Tetragonal, Tetragonal to Orthorhombic and Orthorhombic to Rhombohedral with various temperatures. In this paper, physical properties of NaNbO3 at different phase transitions are calculated.
Keywords: Sodium Niobate, Ferro-elastic, Ferro-electric, Magneto-electric Polarizability, Tensor pairs, domain pairs, double coset decomposition.
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M. Vijaya Laxmi, S. Uma Devi - Physical properties of Sodium Niobate (NaNbO3) at different phase transitions - published at: "International Journal of Engineering Inventions, Volume 2, Issue 9, May 2013 Edition".
Stegnography Systems for Securing DataFile in Image
M. Charles Arockiaraj

Steganography system enhances data protection from hackers, unknown users and others and secure data file in an image. Securing Data file through Image (SDI) is a Steganography systems program. It is a program that allows to "hide" any kind of file inside standard bitmap pictures. The pictures look like normal images, so people will not suspect they contain hidden data. You can use a password to hide your files, and only those who know the password use are able to retrieve them - without it, people cannot even be sure there is something hidden in the image.
Keywords: Digital images, Digital watermarks, Vernam cipher, Avalanche effect.
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M. Charles Arockiaraj - Stegnography Systems for Securing DataFile in Image - published at: "International Journal of Engineering Inventions, Volume 2, Issue 9, May 2013 Edition".
Wireless Sensor Network in Niger Delta Oil and Gas Field Monitoring: Issues and Database Abstraction
Fidelis C. Obodoeze, Frank E. Ozioko, Francis A. Okoye, Thankgod I. Ozue, Samuel C. Asogwa, Calista N. Mba

The IEEE 802.15.4 enabled Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have found useful applications in mission-critical environments especially in Nigeria oil and gas field monitoring, Niger Delta region, to perform real-time monitoring and surveillance of critical oil and gas pipelines, plants, wells and flow stations. Outputs from quantitative sensors such as pressure, vibration, Passive Infra Red (PIR) movement, flowrate, Infrared thermo (temperature) sensors and qualitative sensors such as wireless IP cameras (triggered by actuators) when certain threshold conditions are breached. The integration of sensors and actuators can be combined effectively to detect instant intrusion, leakage, rupture or vandalisation of oil facilities such as pipelines in such a manner that sensed data can be passed to the control room or intelligent actuators for immediate actions. In this paper, we propose a database abstraction framework using tinydb database management system (DBMS) that can enable real-time data coming from these sensors to be stored, updated and queried by a client-server system so that visualizations can be performed using a standard client-based browser interface (www or http://).
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Fidelis C. Obodoeze, Frank E. Ozioko, Francis A. Okoye, Thankgod I. Ozue, Samuel C. Asogwa, Calista N. Mba - Wireless Sensor Network in Niger Delta Oil and Gas Field Monitoring: Issues and Database Abstraction - published at: "International Journal of Engineering Inventions, Volume 2, Issue 9, May 2013 Edition".
Secure and Efficient Transmission Using Jammer and Relay Networks
Mr. R.Prabu, Miss.S.Nishanthy

Here, we present the Relay and Jammer for Secure and Efficient Transmission. It consists of two sources, number of intermediate node and one eavesdropper. The proposed algorithm selects two or three intermediate nodes to enhance the security against eavesdropper. The first selected node operates as relay mode which is used to deliver the data from source to destination using the amplify and forward algorithm. Second and third nodes are used in two different communication Phases as jammer in order to provide the secrecy. The jamming schemes become less efficient in some cases 1.Intermediate nodes cluster locates near to one of the destination. 2 .Intermediate nodes cluster locates near to the eavesdropper. To overcome these cases a hybrid scheme i.e. intelligent switching mechanism between jamming and non jamming modes is used.
Keywords: Relay Node, Jammer Node, Eavesdropper, Hybrid Scheme, Amplify and Forward Strategy.
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Mr. R.Prabu, Miss.S.Nishanthy - Secure and Efficient Transmission Using Jammer and Relay Networks - published at: "International Journal of Engineering Inventions, Volume 2, Issue 9, May 2013 Edition".
Science Attitude as a Determinant to Educational Aspiration in Students
Savita Mishra

Science has brought about revolutionary changes in every walk of life. Its impact is visible everywhere and in every aspect of our existence i.e. vocational, social, economic, political and cultural. Science attitude refers to an individual's outlook towards life. It means willingness to adopt scientific approaches and procedures for resolving issues / assessing ideas or information. Science attitude denotes interest or feeling towards studying science. Educational aspiration is a sum total of other level of aspiration goals, such as career goals, occupational goals, life- style, wealth etc. The objectives of the study were to assess the science attitude and educational aspiration of senior secondary school students in relation to gender variation. The study was a descriptive study of research of ex-post- facto nature and it was a co-relational study design. A representative sample consisting of 100 students of class XII from six senior secondary schools had been selected randomly from the Gangtok, Sikkim. Tools used for the study were Science attitude scale of Grewal (1990), and Mazumdar Educational Aspiration Inventory (2004). Findings of this study were that there was no significant difference in science attitude and educational aspiration in relation to gender but there was a positive low correlation between science attitude and educational aspiration.
Key Words:
Science Attitude, Educational Aspiration
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Savita Mishra - Science Attitude as a Determinant to Educational Aspiration in Students - published at: "International Journal of Engineering Inventions, Volume 2, Issue 9, May 2013 Edition".
MHD Flow of a Rivlin-Ericson Fluid through a Porous Medium in a Parallel Plate Channel under an Externally Applied Boundary Acceleration
M. Veera Krishna, G. Dharmaiah

In this paper an initial value investigation has been made for a two dimensional MHD flow of a second order Rivlin-Erickson type visco-elastic fluid through a porous medium in a parallel plate channel under externally applied boundary acceleration. Ihe exact solutions for the velocity, accelerations and shear stress have been obtained using separations of variables method. Their behaviour for different governing parameters has been discussed computationally based on the available physiological data.
Rivlin-Erickson fluid flow, boundary acceleration, porous medium and parallel plate channel.
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M. Veera Krishna, G. Dharmaiah, - MHD Flow of a Rivlin-Ericson Fluid through a Porous Medium in a Parallel Plate Channel under an Externally Applied Boundary Acceleration- published at: "International Journal of Engineering Inventions, Volume 2, Issue 9, May 2013 Edition".
Analysis Of Concreting Process's Productivity In The Distrito Federal: Characterization And Proposing Improvements
Rudi Sato Simões,Suélio Da Silva Araújo,Halley Rodrigues Filho,Cristian David Uribe Palacio, Michele Tereza Marquescarvalho

this paper presents an analysis of the concreting service held in the distrito federal from data collected in the survey, by the union of construction industry (sinduscon-df), on the concreting indicators between 2010 and 2011. Emphasis on process management and market satisfaction, the main problems are raised, analyzed the root causes and provided potential solutions in order to improve the provision of that service. This work is justified by the absence of detailed knowledge about the relationship of this activity with improved productivity and quality of processes and enterprise.
Keyword: productivity; concreting; management; quality..
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Rudi Sato Simões, Suélio Da Silva Araújo, Halley Rodrigues Filho, Cristian David Uribe Palacio, Michele Tereza Marquescarvalho - Analysis Of Concreting Process's Productivity In The Distrito Federal: Characterization And Proposing Improvements - published at: "International Journal of Engineering Inventions, Volume 2, Issue 9, May 2013 Edition".
Non Path-Based Mutual Anonymity Protocol for Decentralized P2P System
J. Chozhamadevi, S. Mohanarangan M.Tech (P.hd.), Dr. D. Sivakumar

Each and every end-to-end systems try to mask the information and details of their users for privacy considerations. Existing quality of being anonymous approaches are mainly path-based: peers have to pre-construct an anonymous path before transmissio of any files and queries.The overhead of maintaining and updating such paths is significantly high also introduce high cost. Its called as blindly assigned path. We propose Rumor Riding (RR), a lightweight and non-path-based mutual anonymity protocol for decentralized P2P systems. Employing a random walk mechanism, RR takes advantage of lower overhead by mainly using the symmetric cryptographic algorithm. Accelerating the query speed. Introducing mimic traffic to confuse attackers. Mimic traffic generates duplicate cipher and key rumor to confuse the attackers. This mimic traffic generates traffic in a purposefully irregular manner. Mimic is undetectable by any known detection technique at without loss of throughput.
Index Terms: Mutual anonymity, non-path-based, random walk, peer-to-peer.
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J. Chozhamadevi, S. Mohanarangan M.Tech (P.hd.), Dr. D. Sivakumar - Non Path-Based Mutual Anonymity Protocol for Decentralized P2P System - published at: "International Journal of Engineering Inventions, Volume 2, Issue 9, May 2013 Edition".
Comparison of available Methods to Estimate Effort, Performance and Cost with the Proposed Method
M. Pauline, Dr. P. Aruna, Dr. B. Shadaksharappa

Abstract: Reliable effort estimation remains an ongoing challenge to software engineers. Accurate effort estimation is the state of art of software engineering, effort estimation of software is the preliminary phase. The relationship between the client and the business enterprise begins with the estimation of the software. Accurate effort estimation gives a good cost estimate.The authors have proposed an efficient effort and cost estimation system based on quality assurance coverage.The paper also focuses on a problem with the current method for measuring function points that constrains the effective use of function points and suggests a modification to the approach that should enhance the accuracy. The idea of grouping is introduced to the adjustment factors to simplify the process of adjustment and to ensure more consistency in the adjustments. The proposed method uses fuzzy logic for quantifying the quality of requirements and this quality factor is added as one of the adjustment factor. Effort/cost estimation is calculated using the author's proposed model taking hospital desktop application and HR application as case studies. Performance measurement is a fundamental building block of TQM and a total quality organisation. It is an measurement indicator for software development projects to define, understand, collect and analyze data,
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M. Pauline, Dr. P. Aruna, Dr. B. Shadaksharappa - Comparison of available Methods to Estimate Effort, Performance and Cost with the Proposed Method - published at: "International Journal of Engineering Inventions, Volume 2, Issue 9, May 2013 Edition".
Bulk transfer scheduling and path reservations in research networks
K. Venkata Naga Sreedhar, B. Poorna Satyanarayana

Data-intensive e-science collaborations often require the transfer of large files with predictable performance. To meet this need, we design novel admission control and scheduling algorithms for bulk data transfer in research networks for e-science. Due to their small sizes, the research networks can afford a centralized resource management platform. In our design, each bulk transfer job request, which can be made in advance to the central network controller, specifies a start time and an end time? If admitted, the network guarantees to complete the transfer before the end time. However, there is flexibility in how the actual transfer is carried out, that is, in the bandwidth assignment on each allowed paths of the job on each time interval, and it is up to the scheduling algorithm to decide this. To improve the network resource utilization or lower the job rejection ratio, the network controller solves optimization problems in making admission control and scheduling decisions. Our design combines the following elements into a cohesive optimization-based framework: advance reservation, multi-path routing, and bandwidth reassignment via periodic re-optimization. We evaluate our algorithm in terms of both network efficiency and the performance level of individual transfer. We also evaluate the feasibility of our scheme by studying the algorithm execution time.
Keywords: Admission control, Advance reservation, Bulk Data Transfer, E-Science, Grid Computing, Scheduling.
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K. Venkata Naga Sreedhar, B. Poorna Satyanarayana - Bulk transfer scheduling and path reservations in research networks - published at: "International Journal of Engineering Inventions, Volume 2, Issue 9, May 2013 Edition".


International Journal of Engineering Inventions (IJEI)